Not Just An Exercise Mat
I have this friend, Auntie Lisa, who went through hell after being diagnosed with cancer in her foot. When she got back from hell, she had to work really hard to overcome the damage that the treatment had done to her foot and by domino effect, the rest of her body. Years after her surgery, she is in fantastic shape and takes very good care of her body. Besides working out like a fiend and eating well, she stretches every morning. Every morning. Her stretch routine has become part of her day, just like morning coffee and playing with her dog.
I have often felt inspired when Lisa mentions her stretch routine in passing, and I think it would be good for me to have a morning stretch routine, too, since as I get older ("so much older, I long for those young boy days") my body is stiffer and more prone to extreme acts of failure without warning. As if inspiration from Lisa wasn't enough, Stewart has taken to doing calisthenics with the boys every morning in an effort to stretch and strengthen his bad back. And by "calisthenics" I mean trying to stretch or do jumping jacks or sit-ups while the boys hop around and sort of count and say "strrrrrretch!" and shove him out of the way. Someday I will video tape it and post it here. It's very cute in a frustrating way.
The third sign from the universe came when I logged onto my Sitemeter account a few weeks ago and saw an ad for G2 Stretch Mats. Normally I don't pay attention to banner ads, but this caught my eye because the idea of stretching has been on my mind. Not because of the half-naked, peacefully reclining man. No.

G2 sent us a men's back stretch mat and a women's general stretch mat. I learned that - bonus! - the mats are "eco-friendly" and come with instructional videos. The women's mat comes in a plastic tube, so I guess you have to get past that to get to the eco-friendly part: the mat itself, which the site says is made of "Thermoplastic Elastomer," which isn't quite plastic and isn't quite rubber, so it keeps the properties of rubber but can be recycled. Despite what the website says, the smell of the material is pretty strong, especially if you store it in the plastic tube, which I have stopped doing, and that is making the new-rubbery smell go away. In the end, the tube itself can be used for other things.

On a daily basis, Stewart says "I really like my mat." This is a big deal because he rarely says such things about a product. He has gotten into a great routine and loves having the kids hop all over him. He tells me that he sticks to the stretches he likes and holds the poses for his own preferred length of time. The graphics inspire him to continue, even if he ignores some of them, and he manages to get a 15-minute session in every morning.

You know you want to try one. Which brings me to my next trick. I'm giving away your choice of of a mat from the G2 Fitness website! (Shipping to US address only.) Just leave a comment here with your contact info (if you're really fussy about not publishing your email address, I understand, you can email me with the button at the top of this page, but YOU STILL HAVE TO LEAVE A COMMENT) by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on July 1. I will choose the winner FROM THE COMMENTS at random and announce it on Thursday, July 2. I won't make you tweet the contest but if you do I will be grateful. ( @houseofprince is giving away Not Just an Exercise Mat

Now If I could have typed this post while stretching, watching "Go, Diego, Go!" and holding my kid, now THAT would be some serious multi-tasking.
GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED: From 58 qualifying entries, Elise's was chosen by as the winner. For what it's worth, she chose the green and pink yoga stretch mat. Thanks to all for entering!
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