Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fresh and Easy Wine - Vine Yard Cabernet Franc

Last night was Thanksgiving eve, and with a dinner of linguini and sausage we enjoyed the first of two wines Fresh and Easy sent me last week. I didn't have high hopes for it, expecting something tart and headache-inducing like two-buck Chuck, but I found it surprisingly pleasant. It's not a fancy wine that you'd give as a gift. It reminded me of the table wine that is poured so freely at our old haunt, the hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant Bruno's in Santa Monica.

The wine came with an information sheet that has all kinds of detail (13.3% alcohol) about the winemaking process that went into creating this wine, but really all I care about is how it tastes. I'm not a wine connoisseur, so all I can tell you is that I liked it. At the end of the evening the bottle was gone, and that's a good enough review, right?
